June 17, 2003

BLLIP markup tool now online!

About a half an hour ago I mailed out a link to some people who'd been asking for my function tagger and/or Eugene's parser---I finally managed to put a version of it online. And you can tell that the people I was mailing to were grad students, because I've already gotten two responses!

"If you want to see as compelling a demonstration of Ethernet as you are ever likely to see in your life, head on over to Rome and try to cross the street. Don't wait to cross it, they'll never stop. Everyone goes at once. That's right, there are forty motorscooters and tiny Smart Cars and what looks like a motorized wheelbarrow going where you're trying to go at the same time you're tring to go there. You may momentarily feel as though you are floating in a sea of careening metal. That is actually fairly accurate. But you are in no danger." --Tycho Posted by blahedo at 11:05pm on 17 Jun 2003

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