March 09, 2003

This weekend I was at

This weekend I was at the Harvard comp... it keeps getting more prestigious each year. This year they had an octifinal at the open level in latin---33 couples competing. God, that's huge. As usual, our team washed out of latin without placing, although we (meaning Dave, mostly) placed some in the other sections. As a whole, the team placed 5th in the American team match, from a field of 18 or so, which is quite good. (We even beat out MIT's B-team by several points, which was cool. Susan and I made finals with our tango, which was quite a pick-me-up! :) I have about a million (ok, maybe only two hundred or so) pictures, which I'll post sometime this week---I love my digicam, it takes great shots and the ability to delete makes you really fearless on snapping a lot of shots, so you really get some good ones in there.

I've been thinking about it, and I've decided that I'm really content with the possibility of not getting a job right off. For one thing, it takes off the thesis pressure; if I finish in September, eh. As such, I'd be able to ease up a bit for the next month to dedicate lots of time to practicing for MIT comp; I'm really into ballroom again (it was fading a little last semester), and it kills me that I don't have time for it right now. Maybe if I practiced enough, I could get a first place ribbon in something; I've never done that before. And without a job, I could spend next year travelling: I could make that Europe trip that I've been claiming I'd do someday, and I could spend some more time visiting Mike in Hawai`i again, maybe this time when school's not in session.

Of course, I'm not going to complain if I do get a job, either. I'd buy an iPod to celebrate, and then I'd hunker down and see about writing two theses in a month. I should find out soon, either way, and I'll be sure to let y'all know.

"Actually, the Democrats took a lot of votes from the Greens." --Winona LaDuke Posted by blahedo at 8:56pm on 9 Mar 2003

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