Some brainstorming on the name thing yielded the following list (including a few from my faithful readership):
Has the advantage of being true. Rather unwieldy, though.
Alternately, Principal of Laziness.
I never did figure out how to fill in the blank, but it would have been cute if I could find some word in French or English that started with T or rhymed with "ta" or "tot".
Seems like some obscure Java programming reference, but it's actually an obscure Galesburg reference.
Yay ambiguities
, dammit.
Volkswagen has for my entire life had the catchiest damn advertising.
Say that ten times fast. Heck, say it once.
True on the face of it. Seems to have a deeper meaning, but I'm not sure what.
Doesn't quite mean anything, but it almost means like four different things.
I won't go with this one, but I just wanted to say this would be a great name for a Jewish dinner club.
If only I played bridge more.
I don't really do enough graphics work for this one.
It means "leaf". It's just a cool word.
With a capital T.
It's a theme in my life. Perhaps you've noticed.
More true than I'd like, really.
Also would be a great band name.
Like root beer.
That was the original point of the blog, after all.
Illinois 17th. Check it out.
...sort of.
... not beer.
Think a second, you'll get it.
And I'll probably end up with something not on this list anyway.
"WinFS, advertised as a way to make searching work by making the file system be a relational database, ignores the fact that the real way to make searching work is by making searching work." --Joel Spolsky
Posted by blahedo at 1:43am on 24 Jun 2004Thithter! Thithter! Ithn't thith the motht thcrumpthiouth tholid gold thing you ever did thee? I never thought I'd thee anything ath thcrumpthious ath thith thcrumpthiouth tholid gold thing. Oh, thithter!
Yup, still got it.
Posted by blahedo at 11:29am on 24 Jun 2004