I can believe that they believe abortion is wrong, but I do have trouble with the idea that it is more wrong than capital punishment, and supporting politicians who seem to go to war for sport and to fill the pockets of their cronies.
To me, this is about control and hatred of women, and I find it odious. Fortunately in a primary season, I usually have my choice of candidates who support choice in this, so I don't have to be a single issue voter on this issue, because it would be tempting to do so.
Every so often something happens in the news to remind me why. When in Des Moines they found a dead newborn and tried to get the medical records of all women who may have been pregnant in the area during the previous nine months. Never mind that this was near a major interstate, let's take this excuse to invade the privacy of all women in the area so we can peer over their medical histories and judge them.
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