How lovely and refreshing it has been lately!
I am still waiting for anyone to make any argument against gay marriage that makes any sense. The very best they have is that we don't allow it now and change is bad. Hogwash of course, but it is the best they have.
How can anyone say it is immoral? How can anyone observe a loving gay couple that have been together for years and deny they are married? You can tell just by the tone of voice they use with each other. But then, these same people would condemn my family, so I suppose my views hold no weight at all.
In the mean time, I am quite sick of people telling us that a child can have only one mother. The current debate seems to have emboldened the intolerant. I suppose priests egging them on to speak up helps. As Vernon shops, he talks to Loren and tells her things like, "I need to find some gouda for your mommies." Strangers have seen fit to lecture him about how a child has only two parents, one mother and one father. As if no one has step parents. As if no one is adopted but knows their birth parents. As if all children today were conceived by one man and one woman. Funny that, very few of my friends had just two parents.
Dude, at least the sermonizing wasn't at your OWN WEDDING, with your GLBT friends shaking their heads and getting frustrated at the sermon, after you and your intended carefully picked readings that stressed the covenantal aspects of marriage over "one man and one woman".
Not that I'm bitter or anything.
How can anyone say it is immoral? How can anyone observe a loving gay couple that have been together for years and deny they are married?
I fear it's mostly the people who haven't observed such a couple who preach about how immoral it is. I know it took living across the hall from four gay men at IMSA to start shaking my anti-homosexual programming as a kid.