Lucky for you Don, you're a Prof. now, so you don't have to worry about turing things in on time. But now that I know that this is what my Profs are doing instead of grading my papers, I'll bug them about it less. By the way, visit my blog sometime,
I've got some cool deathmatches going on right now. You'll have to go through the back log, Kirk v. Picard, Godzilla v. Trogdor, Skeletor v. MumRa, Worf v. Chewbacca, and the current James Bod v. Batman.
Oddly enough, in one long grading blitz the night I posted this, I finished grading homeworks 6 and 7 for one class and homework 7 for the other; the only thing I have left is their projects (which came in last Friday) and their exams (which will be due tomorrow). So I'm not even behind anymore, really, although I'd best get cracking if I plan to get home on Sunday. :)