To be fair it is fun with two or more people and a whole bunch of channels. Kelly will be doing something at her computer, Vernon will be puttering, and I will be going through the list. We discuss the close ones, celebrate the good shows that are back on and finding the really odious shows to vote down. You can find good documentaries you might never see. Are you going through the suggestions as well as the tivo picks?
Try a wish list or two. We did one on Agnes Morehead. It was great, she is in some good movies and her name is not always listed in the blurbs.
Wishlists are great. I've been waiting for Get Smart to be shown on some channel (probably TVLand) some time. Man I loved that show. Anyway, I have a wishlist. I am confident that if and when it gets played, I'll get it. Whee! Now that I think of it, i should add Dangermouse. Or Danger Mouse. Hm.