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English -> Novial98
- o'clock, prep. klok
- oats, sb. avene
- oboe, sb. hoboe
- obstacle, sb. hindre
- obverse, sb. averse
- of a baby), vb. akushar (gravidi fema)
- of chemistry, sb. kemiiste
- of course, adv. naturim
- of king, sb. korte
- of sea), sb. brase
- of which, adj. kelen
- old, adj. ansieni
- on, sb. adjunkte
- on (contiguity), prep. an
- on the contrary, adv. kontru
- on the other, adv. kontru
- only, adv. nur
- open, vb. apertar
- open, adj. aperti
- opened, vb. apertat
- opening, vb. aperture
- opposition to, prep. konter
- orb, sb. globe
- other, adj. otri
- otherwise, adv. otrim
- our(s), pron. nusen
- outline, sb. konture
- over against, prep. konter
- ox, sb. bove
- ox, sb. bovo kastrati