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packing-case, sb. keste
pact, sb. konventione
pair of drawers, sb. kalsone
pall, vb. blasar
paper cone, sb. kornete
parish, sb. komunie
parke), sb. alee
part, sb. kayere
partner, sb. konsorte
party, adj. komplisi
pasteboard, sb. kartone
patient, sb. kurate
patient, sb. kliente
pawn, sb. gaje
pawn, vb. gajar
pawnshop, sb. gajatorie
pay attention to, vb. atenter
peddle, vb. kolportar
penalty, sb. amende
perfect, vb-aux. ha
pharmacy, sb. apoteke
pick (flowers), vb. koliar
piece of cloth, sb. chifone
pierce, vb. borar
pigeon, sb. kolombe
pile, sb. amase
pillar, sb. kolone
pillow, sb. kusene
pineapple, sb. ananase
pirate, sb. korsare
pitcher, sb. kruche
place in apposition, vb. aposir
platform (railway), sb. kaye
pledge, sb. gaje
plot, sb. komplote
pluck, vb. koliar
pluperfect, vb-aux. had
pocket-handkerchief, sb. nasetuke
pointed, adj. akut(i)
pose, vb. afektar
poster, sb. afiche
poultry, sb. hanes
prance, vb. kabrar
prebend, sb. kanonike
pregnant, adj. gravid(i)
prepay (postage), vb. afrankar
present-day (adj.), adj. aktual
preserve (fruits), vb. konfitar
press, sb. armore
press closely together, vb. klemar
pretend, vb. afektar
pretty, adj. beleti
previously, adv. anteim
prey, sb. kapture
price, sb. kostanse
prisoner, sb. kaptate
privateer, sb. korsare
prize, sb. kapture
prop up, vb. apoyar
propeller, sb. helise
ptarmigan, sb. gruse
pull out, vb. arachar
pullet, sb. hanyune
pulpit, sb. katedre
pumpkin, sb. kukurbite
punt, sb. kanote
pup, sb. hundyune
pupa, sb. krisalide
put off, vb. ajornar
put to bed, vb. kuchar