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tail, sb. kaude
taint, vb. korupter
take down, vb. notar
take in, vb. atrapar
tall, adj. alti
taste, sb. guste
tell, vb. narar
temper, sb. humere
testify to, vb. konstatar
than, adv. kam
that, pron. kel
that (conjunction), conj. ke
that can be..., suffix. bli
thick, adj. gros(i)
thing, sb. kose
thistle, sb. kardone
ticket, sb. bilete
ticket-office (window), sb. gichete
tidy, adj. net(i)
till, sb. kase
time-piece, sb. horloje
times ten, suffix. anti
to, prep. a
to, adj. komplisi
to some extent, adv. kelkigrad
to the north, adv. nordim
to..., suffix. asi
together, vb. kuplar
together, prefix. ko
together, adv. kunim
too, konj. anke
top, sb. kulmine
top, sb. kreste
totter, vb. chanselar
touch, sb. kontakte
township, sb. komunie
trace, vb. kalkar
trade, sb. komerse
trap, sb. kaptilo
treasurer, sb. kasere
treasury, sb. kaserie
treat (a patient), vb. kurar
treatment, sb. kure
tree, sb. arbre
trickle, vb. gutar
trimming, sb. galone
trinket, sb. berloke
truck, sb. kamione
trunk, sb. kofre
trustee, sb. kuratore
tub, sb. kuve
tumble-down, adj. kaduk(i)
tune, sb. arie
turf, sb. gasone
turnip, sb. nape
twilight, sb. krepuskule
twitter, vb. chirpar